Course curriculum

    1. Defining Problem Solving and Decision Making

    2. Problem Identification

    3. Eight Essentials to Defining a Problem

    4. Problem Solving in Action

    5. Knowledge Check #1

    1. What it Means

    2. Types of Decisions

    3. Facts vs. Information

    4. Decision-Making Traps

    5. Knowledge Check #2

    1. Review

    2. Debrief

    1. Model Overview

    2. Real Problems

    3. Phase One

    4. Phase Two

    5. Phase Three

    6. Knowledge Check #3

    1. The Basic Tools

    2. The Fishbone

    3. Degrees of Support

    4. Creative Thinking Methods

    5. More Methods

    6. Knowledge Check #4

About this course

  • $59.97
  • 41 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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